sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
moksayisyami ma sucah
mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
moksayisyami ma sucah
The above verse is from chapter 18, sloka 67 of Bhagawad Gita which literally means "Abandon all variety of religion and surrender unto me and i shall release you from your sins so do not grieve". The above sloka is in the chapter "The yoga of Renunciation" while as it carries the meaning of devotion. Krishna has put more emphasis on Bhakti Yoga then anyother yoga, why does he say so.In my interpretation devotion is all about surrender. The greatest devotion is surrender, surrender to the lord. Its hard to surrender because we have one small yet big factor named ego that is there. To surrender means to melt your ego by the flames of devotion. Devotion is the highest state of yoga because through jnana yoga u can only discriminate what is real and what is unreal, between brahma and maya. So when the realisation comes then devotion starts. Adi Shankaracharya has said that the highest devotion is the devotion to the truth, so the highest truth is BRAHMA, so when one surrenders to almighty Brahma and then he eats sleeps, thinks, does everything for him then he goes one step further because devotion initself is a mediation and when the mediation goes deep then a yogi reaches the state of Samadhi which means the meditator and the object of meditation becomes one. The soul is the Brahma so when u meditate upon brahma then u come to the realisation that ur soul is the brahma and brahma is never created nor destroyed but eternal and u will be eternal and u will be liberated from the world. So every great things in spiritualism starts from devotion. Devotion to the truth. So, lord Krishna says surrender unto me leaving the religion behind. Religion is only meant for purification of karma and to walk in the path of the truth but religion cant take u to the truth u need someone to surrender yourself. You need someone to guide you to the truth and its only possible when u surrender yourself to the person who has experienced the truth and in simple term the guide person is called GURU. For Arjuna the guide was the lord himself who is also his guru because he in one of the chapters has mentioned that this knowledge was given to sun god by lord krishna and he gave the knowledge to Manu and thorugh disciple succession it continued but in some point it stopped so for the revival of the knowledge he is giving it to Arjuna. So, one of the best yoga mentioned in Bhagawad Geeta is Bhakti Yoga.
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