Life, Spiritualism and Love: How to get started in spirituality

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How to get started in spirituality

We all are spiritual in some ways, we all want that inner peace and the inner ecstasy. Its all about reaching that stage where there is nothing but ecstacy, peace. so how could one start in the path of spirituality? well there is only one answer to this i.e to find a guru who has already experienced the divine and can help u to reach it. Our scriptures say that without guru there is no knowledge, guru is not a person but the embodiment of knowledge, even bhagawad gita emphasizes on finding the right guru for the spiritual upliftment. When you find guru try making ur guru happy and when guru is happy then the knowledge is bestowed. I also have a guru and i fall in the disciple succession of his reverend Paramhans Swami NIKHILESHORANANDA, my guru is one of his disciple. So trying find a guru and especially if anyone is interested in sadhana, mantra, tantra then i can help u on the path. Secondly is there is one thing that i recommend will be BHAGAWAD GITA as this book is the song of god, lord Krishna portrays the beautiful essence of vedas in the question and answer format. He uses the essense of vedas to dispel the doubts and insecurity of arjuna and arjuna fights to win the battle of kurukshetra, the words are immortal and i recommend every person who wants to start in the spirituality by reading bhagawad gita but even to understand geeta nicely u have to have a guru, so everything boils down to four letter word "GURU", so to get started in spirituality one has to find a guru and receive the knowledge through Gurus grace

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